You can earn money by selling your design on but you need to know the guidelines to upload and sell your design so read carefully before uploading any design, otherwise, maybe your design will be deleted.
Which file can you upload?
CDR, PSD, EPS, PMD, and any other editable file
However, before creating and uploading your resources to the panel, make sure all boxes from this list are checked:
✅ Image size less than 200 or 300 KB
✅ Image size 1200×1200 px or 1800 x1800 px ( minimum 4×4 inch or maximum 8×8 inch )
✅ preview image need square format mentioning us upper line ( 1200×1200 px)
✅ if your image more than 300kb you need to compress them
✅ Please mention CDR or PSD (or any file ) version in the short description.
✅ Give font in Zip file and don’t lock (curve) any font.
✅ Title length: at least 5 words
wedding card ( false)
latest wedding card design cdr file ( true)
best Hindu wedding card design ( true)
New wedding card design 2022 cdr file (true)
✅Create content that is useful for Trbahadurpur users. This will ensure a higher number of Purchases and, therefore, more earnings.
✅ Note: Please check your dashboard regularly, because if any mistake in your file we will write in the title, you need to correct this as soon as possible, after 10 days, if you do not correct it, the file will be deleted.
black and white cdr file version : minimum 12
color file cdr version: minimum x3 ( not 12 because 12 not support color transparency power clip and other)
also don’t change anything after publish your design otherwise design goto pending and link will damaged
Can I use images or any other item from the internet in my designs?
The designs you upload on Trbahdurpur must be 100% original and created by yourself.
Therefore, you can’t use any images or other things from the Internet( google, youtube, freepik, pngtree, or other website ) in your Design,
If you look for inspiration on that website, you need to be careful and ensure that your design is genuine not matching to with other designs.
Why have my designs been rejected?
At TrBahadurpur, we value quality over quantity. There are some parameters that you have to bear in mind to meet our quality standards.
if you don’t follow this guideline may be your design rejected without any information, so read carefully before uploading.
you can not upload any other people’s designs downloaded from the internet or purchase from anywhere, only sell your own created design.
if you don’t follow this rule maybe your account ban without any information.
If anything else you can WhatsApp me: 7052057157
Please write on every image
look this image

watch this video for full detail on how to upload files on ( video in Hindi )
From: 1st January 2023 you will earn 50% for your sell ( 50% admin commission for website management and other things )
Note: if anyone is inactive Last 120 Days ( 4 months) I mean if you don’t upload any design last 120 days, maybe your account disabled temporarily or you will lose your 70% revenue only 30% you will gate, so work regularly.
How to withdraw my payment :
you can withdraw your payment when it Rs. 100 you will get your payment on next month between 1 to 5 watch this video
from October 2023 ( minimum withdraw 250)
from January 2024 ( minimum withraw 500)